04 February 2012

A Stubbed Toe Was The Impetus For This Post

We moved not too long ago and I'm still sorting and sifting through items and putting everything in its proper place. Yesterday, after a particularly painful toe stub on a larger box located at the base of the stairs, I sat looking at the pieces of my life that OTHERS have given me over the years. These items are different than my own personal purchases for my home, because they illustrate what people see when THEY think of me.

I mean, when I give something or make a gift for someone I take into consideration that person's hobbies, interests, that sort of thing. I take great pride in deciding what to give someone and can spend many hours contemplating the perfect present. Some have been things I've bought and others have been things I've made myself, but ALL come from the heart.

On my wedding day, my husband B gave me a first edition printing of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, B knew of my love for the book and surprised me with this beautiful green hard back offering of literature history. Looking at it reminds me of all the reasons I fell in love with him in the first place - his intelligence, his genuine interest in the world around him, and his thoughtfulness. I've got glass sculptures displayed, one of which is a beautiful colored rendition of a little monkey my friend RL surprised me with on my birthday. RL knows of my dream to have my stories published that center around the protagonist and her pet monkey. Each time I glance in the direction of the cabinet that houses RL's gifts (she's given me a couple to add to my glass collection), I smile. There's the bronze baby shoes my aunt gave me after my father's death that were his. My aunt understands the importance I place on family history (I was adopted). There's the majolica teapots my grandmother gave me that remind me of the stories she would tell me over cookies and tea as a little girl. Art projects my kids made and ran home excitedly from school to give me, are proudly hung in frames that showcase the timeline of their childhood.

Those are just a few of the things that readily caught my eye. It was intriguing to look through the different gifts and to ruminate on what prompted people to make the choices they did for me.

Look around you. What do you see that you've been given over the years in your home? What are the stories behind them? How do they make you feel?